The G0MJW Pages


13cm Station.

My MK1 13cms station, like my 23cms station, had to share mast space with other bands. I have two 13cms antennas, a JVL quadloop and a 60 cm dish. I like to use a transverter, that is mast mountable. Power output from the MK1 was 5 watts and my receiver noise figure is around 1 dB. The transverter is based on an old SSB Electronics system, with an ATF10135 preamplifier and a G3WDG SSPA.

In 2006 I upgraded the 13cms transverter with a DB6NT transverter kit and a surplus 30W SSPA from PyroJoe. This is again mast mountable and shares the same design as all my latest microwave transverters for 13cms, 9cms, 6cms and 3cms. It looks identical to those except it has 2 N-type connectors rather than an N and a BNC and the DC supplies use an XLR connector which is needed to provide the higher current needed for the PA.

My site is not really good enough for 13cms and as on all the higher microwave bands, my equipment is more suited to portable use.

Last Modified 3 January, 2007